Love is Sweeping.

I have lived in the Eastern Hemisphere for about ten years and have traveled to sixteen countries in this region.  After careful observation and contemplation, I’m willing to go out on a limb and state that the people in this region sweep…a lot.

On my morning commute, even if I arrive very early while it is still pitch black outside (well, as pitch black as a big city like Singapore gets anyway), I will have passed 500 sweepers.

Here is one happy Singapore sweeper from this morning.  Image

And a lovely sweeper in New Delhi.


Here’s a good one.  Here is a sweeper in Cambodia.  Do you recognize this sweeper?  He’s pretty famous as far as sweepers go.  Probably would make the sweeper Hall of Fame or Sweeper Pin-up Calendar.  Any guesses?


ImageNBD.  Just the sweeper on the front of the Lonely Planet Cambodia book.

And we’ll go rapid fire with China sweeping carts, ImageBurma/Myanmar sweeping carts.


Temple sweepers, also Burma/Myanmar.



A sweeper in Jaipur.

Jaipur Sweeper

And… I have more and more and even more photos of sweepers from…..oh my…..

“Hello.  My name is Birdy.”
“Hi Birdy.”
“I cannot not take photos of sweepers.”

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